Sunday, March 9, 2008


I'm currently a security guard at The Green Room bar, formerly the Mogollon Brew Co., and i enjoy the job very much. I get to experience great music and work with awesome individuals. But sometimes the patrons that enter the bar are a different story. This past saturday night we had a local band called lunch box that was playing in the bar and in turn drew quite a significant amount of people. The night was going on without a hitch. The music was blasting, people were dancing, and drinking the night away. It was about 1:30 AM and I had a noticed an individual becoming quite agitated towards other patrons. At that point I proceded to the situation to see what the altercations were about. When I tried to find out what the altercations were about a man had pushed me from the side without warning and my attention was directed towards him at that point. I then proceded to physically difuse the situation with the individual who pushed me. I put him in an arm lock and drug him out of the bar. When he was out of the bar he turned back toward me without warning and threw a sucker punch striking me in the right eye. Don't get me wrong I wanted to beat the living snot out of this man but that wouldn't look good for the bar. So I turned called Flag PD and had them respond to an assault call. At which point the man was no longer my problem. The rest is history.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I went snowboarding this weekend with a couple long lost high school friends of mine. Due to the fact I've never been to snowbowl on a nice day I didn't go prepared. I forgot to put some of that wonderfully invented stuff called sun block on my face. Due to the fact that I am an idiot about not wearing any sun block I received the token "goggle face". My face is all sunburned except in the place where my goggles were. Needless to say I think it is quite possible that this is the worst sunburn I have ever received. It hurts to sleep it, to smile, and to laugh. But in the end I think that I'm going to survive without having to consulting a physician. Furthermore, I believe that this experience has surved it's purpose, and that is to expect the unexpected. Oh yeah and the conditions were amazing, couldn't have asked for anything better.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I'm David Robinson. Not to be confused with the admiral that played for the San Antonio Spurs but the white version. I'm a Criminal Justice major with a minor in Psychology. My life revolves around sports and I enjoy every minute of it.