Sunday, March 2, 2008


I went snowboarding this weekend with a couple long lost high school friends of mine. Due to the fact I've never been to snowbowl on a nice day I didn't go prepared. I forgot to put some of that wonderfully invented stuff called sun block on my face. Due to the fact that I am an idiot about not wearing any sun block I received the token "goggle face". My face is all sunburned except in the place where my goggles were. Needless to say I think it is quite possible that this is the worst sunburn I have ever received. It hurts to sleep it, to smile, and to laugh. But in the end I think that I'm going to survive without having to consulting a physician. Furthermore, I believe that this experience has surved it's purpose, and that is to expect the unexpected. Oh yeah and the conditions were amazing, couldn't have asked for anything better.


Jacki Belknap said...

I think most of us have been there. Hopefully we'll all get the chance to enjoy at least one day of perfect conditions on our beautiful mountain. Now, thanks to you, we will all remember sunblock!

Greg Scott said...

I don't know how many times i used to get goggle face back when i lived in north dakota as a kid. It was almost a normal thing during the winter for everyone to have that... well, at least until it got so cold you had to wear facemasks everwhere, that solved the problem, but then nobody knew who everyone else was.

Elisabeth Gawne said...

Hahaha. I have for SURE had this happen before. The first time I ever went boarding, I had no idea that this could happen, so I ended up with the entire bottom half of my face sunburned. It was a REAL attractive look. ;)