Sunday, March 9, 2008


I'm currently a security guard at The Green Room bar, formerly the Mogollon Brew Co., and i enjoy the job very much. I get to experience great music and work with awesome individuals. But sometimes the patrons that enter the bar are a different story. This past saturday night we had a local band called lunch box that was playing in the bar and in turn drew quite a significant amount of people. The night was going on without a hitch. The music was blasting, people were dancing, and drinking the night away. It was about 1:30 AM and I had a noticed an individual becoming quite agitated towards other patrons. At that point I proceded to the situation to see what the altercations were about. When I tried to find out what the altercations were about a man had pushed me from the side without warning and my attention was directed towards him at that point. I then proceded to physically difuse the situation with the individual who pushed me. I put him in an arm lock and drug him out of the bar. When he was out of the bar he turned back toward me without warning and threw a sucker punch striking me in the right eye. Don't get me wrong I wanted to beat the living snot out of this man but that wouldn't look good for the bar. So I turned called Flag PD and had them respond to an assault call. At which point the man was no longer my problem. The rest is history.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Dang! That does not sound like fun! Man if anyone hit me I'd be so angry! Last Thursday some brat pushed me when I was walking becuase she hates Tri Delts but I could never do anything back. But I gots some good girls who would and that girl got kicked out of the party :) But I'm sorry that all happened! But at least it was an eventful evening!